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8 Days Kenya Safari

Itinerary Brief

Day 1 Nairobi Ole Sereni  in Nairobi
Day 2 & 3 Samburu National Reserve Elephant Bedroom Camp
Day 4 & 5 Lake Nakuru National Park Mbweha Camp
Day 6 & 7 Masai Mara National Reserve Tipilikwani
Day 8 Departure

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Nairobi, Kenya

Arrival at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, you will be received by one of our team members. You will then be transferred to  Ole Sereni Hotel in Nairobi, your comfortable accommodation for the first night. Take some time to rejuvenate from the flight.

Day 2: Nairobi to Samburu National Reserve, Kenya

After breakfast at the  Eka hotel we will leave for Samburu National Reserve in northern Kenya. We will travel in 4×4 custom built safari vehicles with our professional guides at the helm for the duration of our tour.

You can relax at camp for a bit before we go on our first African adventure game drives in the Big Five Samburu National Reserve. This is an arid area with savannah that is surrounded by mountains including the tall Ol Olokwe Mountain. In Samburu you get the chance to encounter the traditional Samburu tribe, and gain insight into their customs and culture.

Accommodation : Elephant Bedroom Camp

We will go on a sunset game drive stopping for sundowners and watching the evening colours glow all around us. Dinner will be held back at camp under starry African skies.

Day 3: Samburu National Reserve, Kenya

We start the day early to enjoy the best time in the bush on a 4×4 safari in the reserve. Look out for remarkable species of the park such as the Somali ostriches, long-necked gerenuk antelopes, Grevy’s zebras and Somali giraffes. Cheetahs, elephants, lions and buffalos are frequently sighted, along with various antelopes, including striking-looking gemsbok, gazelles, waterbuck and tiny dikdiks.

Lunch will be back at the camp before we head out on our next safari. The afternoon game drive is followed by free time to nap or dip into your plunge pool, and dinner at the safari camp.

Accommodation: Elephant Bedroom Camp

Day 4: Samburu National Reserve to Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

After breakfast we travel to the Great Lake of Nakuru through the beautiful Great Rift Valley on our way to Mbweha Safari Camp.

Mbweha Safari Camp is located inside the Congreve Conservancy, a private reserve covering some 6400 acres of bush, along the southern side of Lake Nakuru National Park. The camp has been built to blend into the environment with stone walls and thatched roofs.

The afternoon activities involve a guided walking safari into the conservancy where you will encounter all kinds of animals as they hunt and forage.

Accommodation: Mbweha Camp

Day 5: Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

An early morning breakfast and prepare for a full-day game drive in Lake Nakuru National Park. Look out for hippos, baboons, black and white rhino, giraffes, zebras and buffalo. The birds are attracted to Lake Nakuru because it is a shallow soda lake that provides nutrients to over 400 different birds. It is a birder’s paradise and a Ramsar Wetland Area. When conditions are right, Lake Nakuru is visited by large flamingo flocks – an incredible sight.

Accommodation: Mbweha Camp

Day 6: Lake Nakuru National Park to Masai Mara National Game Reserve, Kenya

Wake up to the peaceful sounds of nature and enjoy breakfast before another safari to Masai Mara National Reserve.

Masai Mara National Reserve is one of the most amazing wildlife reserves in the world. We will drive through the beautiful Great Rift Valley. We will meet the Maasai tribe of Kenya who are a proud semi-nomadic tribe known for their fierce warriors, ceremonies and unique dances.

We reach  Tipilikwani  in time for lunch before we embark on our first 4×4 game drive in this epic East African game reserve. Wide open plains await us in this incredibly beautiful untamed Masai Mara.

Accommodation: Tipilikwani Mara Camp

Day 7: Masai Mara National Game Reserve, Kenya

We prepare for a full-day game drives, the wilderness is rife with animals like the Big 5 and many more so keep your cameras ready!

Depending on the movements of the wildebeest you may be able to see them storming across the plains, splashing through the rivers and being chased by hungry predators. You can also look out for foxes, jackals, giraffes, baboons, hippos, zebras and herds of antelopes, eland, gazelles, heartbeest, impalas and topi.

Dinner will be held at  Tipilikwani Camp where you will can rest and have dinner.

Accommodation  : Tipilikwani Mara Camp

Day 8: Masai Mara National Game Reserve to Nairobi Kenya

After breakfast at Mara  Serena Camp we will drive back to the city and dropped off at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport or post-tour accommodation in Nairobi at about 13:30 for 14:00, bringing our wildlife adventure to a close.

Inclusions / Exclusions

•Accommodation as stipulated in the itinerary.
•Transportation in a chauffeur driven minivan with a pop up roof for game viewing & photography. Upgrade to 4 x 4 land cruiser available on request at a supplement cost
•Services of a professional driver-guide
•All game viewing drives
•All parks entrance fees as indicated in the itinerary.
•All Government taxes and levies.
•Complimentary 500 ml mineral water per person per game drive in the safari vehicle.
•All meet and greet services.
•All arrival and departure transfers.
•24 hours stand-by contact number.
•Meals as indicated in the itinerary.
•Two-way long range high frequency radio communication in each vehicle.
•On safari accessories in each vehicle: – First-aid kit, wildlife books, a pair of binoculars, cool box and fire extinguisher.

•All items of personal nature e.g. telephone call bills, fax/email bills etc.
•Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks,
•International flight and departure taxes.
•Laundry services.
•Any other item(s) not included in our itinerary.
•Visa fees